Goldberg entered into the WCW Power Plant with hardly any idea of what pro wrestling was all about. He soon learned, and although he might not have been the biggest guy in his own training class he definitely went on to be the most successful.

While speaking to the Broken Skull Sessions, Goldberg revealed that he recorded every minute that he was training in the ring. Not only that, but he still has the tapes. He used those tapes to help himself blend MMA and pro wrestling together to create a style he later made famous.

“I filmed every single day [of training] from the first day — I’ve still got ’em. From the first day to the last day. What I would do is I would go home — I didn’t know the craft, right? But I had an idea. I’d go home and I’d watch my video and then UFC stuff — back in the day it was different, UWF. I’d watch those guys and I knew that MMA was gonna be huge one day. I figured here’s a guy people already knew played football so they can get the big monster thing. If I go MMA then that’s new, that’s groundbreaking. That’s what I see for the future and then I’d been training it for a long time anyway, if I can learn some things and then try to do it without hurting people then it’s a viable character.”

Goldberg experienced a lot of career opportunities that came full circle for him. He eventually being looked at like hero by people he idolized when he was younger. Goldberg also came back around to WWE although he had no issues with how WrestleMania XX closed on him. He was focused since day one and the proof is in the results and the fact that he apparently still has those tapes.


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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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