Ric Flair is 70 years old, but age is just a number for the Nature Boy. He’s still Stylin and Profilin no matter where he is and that includes the slopes.

The two-time WWE Hall Of Famer recently uploaded a little sneak peek of a YouTube video. He was skiing and having a blast, but even Flair is capable of taking a bump in the snow.

Just A Sneak Peek Of My Latest YouTube Video! You Have To Fall Down Sometimes, But You Get Back Up Stronger! Check It Out! WOOOOO!

Flair might have been having a good time, but his daughter was still a bit concerned. Charlotte Flair tweeted in reply saying: “Dad. Please be careful.”

Tags: Ric Flair
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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