WWE’s Wellness Policy pertains to the full time roster. It’s been a while since Triple H was a full-time WWE Superstar.

During Conversations With The Big Guy, Ryback discussed WWE’s drug testing policy. He gave some very detailed procedure and even revealed that some guys in developmental were using fake penises to skirt the rules.

Then The Big Guy revealed that Triple H is excluded from all testing that occurs.

“Hunter, there’s no way. And if he is, he’ll do one as a publicity stunt. Hunter’s whole career has been made on steroids. That’s f*cking — I grew up watching the guy. Without them, he doesn’t exist in pro wrestling. And I grew up loving him as one of my favorites, and that’s what it is. It is very biased what they do there and all that. But the policy in and of itself, I love it. I wish they had strict drug-testing policies in all of wrestling.”


Triple H enjoys a lot of perks in his current role within WWE. Apparently, not having to submit to a drug test is part of the upside of being The Game.

Quotes thanks to 411 Mania

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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