Mick Foley’s three faces brought fans to a fever pitch time and time again during his in-ring career. One face of Foley might not be his favorite.

While appearing on WWE The Bump, Mick Foley joked that he would wash away any evidence that Dude Love was in WWE. He then went on to admit that The Dudester did have some classic matches. Apparently, they’re not his favorite.

“If I had my way any evidence of Dude Love would be erased from the WWE library — no, it was a good time. The Summer Of Love was good – ’97 then Dude had a couple classic matches. The evil corporate Dude under Vince McMahon’s wing. We did have some good matches. So yeah, I love taking a jog down memory lane.”

“I did not — when I first finished wrestling in 2000 I honestly thought that I had an 18-month shelf life. There was no WWE Network. The internet was in its infancy so I do get asked about that Hell In A Cell match every day, but I’d say half the people who ask me were not born when that match took place.”


Fans still love Dude Love and every other persona that Mick Foley ever played for that matter. He can now enjoy his legendary career on the WWE Network, but if that platform didn’t exist it would make it a lot harder to relive Mick Foley’s greatest moments regardless of which Face Of Foley you’re trying to find.

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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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