Britt McHenry and Tyrus, former WWE Superstar Brodus Clay, have made headlines in the past. There was an allegations of sexual misconduct alleging that Tyrus engaged in inappropriate behavior toward McHenry.

McHenry also tweeted out in the past that she has proof of the sexual misconduct. Now she’s suing.

TMZ reports that Britt McHenry has now filed a lawsuit against Fox News and Tyrus over this situation. The suit claims that the network is a “sanctuary of sexual harassers.”

McHenry’s lawsuit says that she was the only person who felt any sort of retribution for Fox News’ “zero tolerance” rule regarding sexual harassment. The company has refused to investigate her claims, they shut her out of company events, and refused to let her be a guest on other shows.


Tyrus allegedly sent her a picture of his man parts in 2018. She claims that the unprovoked picture was also among other crude and inappropriate messages.

Britt McHenry claims that complaints were made to Fox News, but no discipline action was ever taken against the former WWE Superstar. It is said in the lawsuit that when Tyrus was questioned about these inappropriate texts he showed them pictures of McHenry supposedly revealing her cleavage and nearly nude breasts to make it seem like they were flirting. She is alleging that the photos were doctored and not her at all.

Fox News has issued a response regarding this matter.

“Ms. McHenry’s lawsuit recycles the same allegations she filed with the New York State Division of Human Rights in October, to which we filed a response on Friday. As we have previously stated, Ms. McHenry’s allegations have been fully investigated and we are confident our actions will be deemed entirely appropriate in litigation. We expect all of her claims to be dismissed.” – FOX News

We will keep an eye out on further developments on this story and everything else going on in the pro wrestling world.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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