The return of CM Punk to WWE programming led to many WWE superstars seeing dollar signs in their future, with the assumption being that he would return as an in-ring competitor at some stage.

While that’s not an impossibility it certainly doesn’t appear as if it’s going to happen any time soon, although there’s always a chance that they convince Punk to compete in time for the run-up to WrestleMania 36 next year.

Regardless of whether or not that actually comes to fruition, it’s still going to be fun to see some of his potential rivals poke fun at him on a week to week basis.

Back in the day Seth Rollins and CM Punk had a really fun yet short backstage segment on NXT, in which it became clear that the Straight Edge Superstar would one day be interested in facing Rollins in a match. They went on to be involved in several bouts with one another, including a showdown on the final episode of RAW back in 2013.


Seth is a very different guy to the man he was back then, though, and that’s obviously true for Punk too. Regardless of whether or not he’s going to have any sort of ring rust, it definitely feels as if a bout between these two would do some great numbers for WWE.

As long as Rollins persists with this, you’d have to imagine that we’re going to hear some kind of response from Punk – whether it be on social media or potentially even on WWE Backstage.

Harry Kettle

Sports writer covering pro wrestling, MMA & football. Forever dreaming of a world where Jeff Hardy wins the strap one more time.

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