CM Punk showed up on WWE Backstage last night and it was a huge surprise. He said that he’ll be back next week, but has he signed anything with WWE yet?

PW Insider notes that CM Punk has signed a deal with FOX, but not with WWE. Of course, that is the kind of thing that can change very quickly. As for how often CM Punk will be on WWE Backstage, it will be a regular occurrence, but not weekly.

Punk will be appearing regularly on WWE Backstage going forward, but will not be on every week we are told. 

This is a very shocking development and will probably bring more viewers to WWE Backstage. After all, last week’s episode brought in 49,000 viewers. This week’s episode was not hyped to have any kind of surprise, so we’ll just have to see if this improves things for the FS1 show in the future.

Tags: CM Punk
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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