UFC 244 is going down tonight and AEW’s “Bad Boy” Joey Janela is there. As it turns out, Dash Wilder is also in attendance after just getting back from Saudi Arabia last night.

Dash Wilder doesn’t appear to be a big fan of Joey Janela. The Revival member and Janela tweeted back and forth while they were at the UFC event.

One fan suggested that Janela find Wilder and “shoot an angle.” Wilder was not interested. Then Janela said he’ll look for the “booty with the tennis racquet marks on it” to make reference to how much Jim Cornette loves the Top Guy. Of course, Cornette is not a fan of Janela.

Apparently, they met and Janela offered Wilder a White Claw as a peace offering. This was declined. Then Joey Janela said it was a shame that the WWE Superstars weren’t stuck in Saudi Arabia longer.


Thanks to Bodyslam.net for passing this one along

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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