A famous man once said that pro wrestling isn’t ballet. That man knew a thing or two and Xavier Woods understands that sentiment very well.

While speaking to TMZ, Xavier Woods told a story about suffering a dental injury in the ring that was very hard to hear.

We must warn you that the following tale is not for the faint of heart, but it definitely explains why Xavier Woods’ teeth are so health looking, because two front ones aren’t real.

“One time, I got kicked in the face and my two front teeth flattened up against the top of my mouth, and it broke my gum in half in the front,” Woods said. “I wanted to keep going, but they were like, ‘You’re gonna bleed everywhere’ and I was losing blood real fast. I could tell when I started swallowing it, so I had to get out of the ring. When I got to the emergency room—because your adrenaline’s pumping, you don’t feel it, but while we’re sitting in the waiting room it was like, ‘Oh. Oh this is what pain is.'”


“The doctor—when I sat in the chair—had to put her foot on the armrests of the chair, put her fingers up under my teeth, and just pull them back into place before they could numb anything. They had to stitch me up and essentially file my teeth down, so these two front teeth are not real. The real ones are gone. [Laughs] Somewhere else. That was pretty terrible. These things happen. I just wore little braces for a few months and everything was okay.”

This kind of injury makes us very squeamish because nobody likes thinking about their teeth getting knocked out, especially the painful process of dental surgery.

Britt Baker might read this story and have a much different opinion on the matter, but we can’t all be dentists.

Thanks to Wrestling Inc for the quote

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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