WWE announced a return of the King Of The Ring tournament and it was a pretty surprising decision. This resulted in a rather impressive run of matches headed toward a final on the night after Clash Of Champions.

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The tournament only had one snag in the road as Elias went out of action with an injury in the semifinals. He was replaced by Shane McMahon and then Chad Gable defeated McMahon to claim a spot in the finals.

The final match was Baron Corbin vs Chad Gable. WWE gave this a big match feel by darkening the house lights during the introductions and then they got to business.


Corbin tried everything he could to send Gable down, but the former American Alpha member kept fighting back. This was a David vs. Goliath match as the crowd mounted their support of Chad Gable throughout the contest.

In the end, Chad Gable almost won, but an End Of Days from Baron Corbin sealed the deal. Baron Corbin is the 2019 King Of The King.

All hail King Corbin.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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