Elias was set to compete in the semifinals of the King Of The Ring tournament, but he went out of action. It was said the he had broken ankle, but this report has been viewed with a bit of speculation at this point.

Brad Shepard reports that Elias will need a few weeks to recover, but he might still be on television. This shorter recovery time likely means nothing was terrible broken, but nothing is set in stone.

According to a source in #WWE, @IAmEliasWWE needs a few weeks out of action in the ring, due to injury. I’m not sure if he’ll be doing anything on TV (eg. promos) in the meantime. His in-ring return is currently October, but that’s not concrete. #OYDKWS

It’s interesting that Elias was pulled from the King Of The Ring tournament and then suddenly, the final match will be on Raw. You could speculate that it is a ratings ploy for Raw’s real Monday Night War against the NFL which they lost in a huge way this week.


We’ll have to wait and see if The Drifter will be around in the meantime while he recovers from his “broken ankle.”

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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