Shane McMahon hasn’t been around recently, but there’s a very good reason for that.

We previously reported via Dave Meltzer that Vince McMahon had just forgotten about his son. It was said that creative didn’t have anything for Shane and since Vince is writing the show that means Shane-O Mac’s father didn’t have anything for him.

Meltzer said on Wrestling Observer Radio:

“The writers haven’t had anything for him and Vince McMahon is the guy that’s been writing the show and he’s forgotten about him. He’s forgotten about his son’s angle, yeah. I mean, he hasn’t been on.”


In fact, that isn’t the case at all, because Shane McMahon has been doing his civic duty by taking part in jury duty.

We’re not sure exactly how long McMahon has been locked away from the public or even what kind of case he’s on which would determine the level of isolation that a trial would require for the jury. The fact is that he is definitely doing jury duty.

So, it’s not that Vince McMahon forgot about his son, it’s that Shane McMahon’s excellent skills in judgement were needed instead.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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