Impact Wrestling is much more relaxed when it comes to their stars’ contracts. After all, Jordynne Grace wrestled there for the longest time without contract and Tenille Dashwood is on a per-date deal as well.

Since Impact Wrestling will let someone appear on their programming without a solid deal in place then indie workers can stop by. This includes famous dick wrestler Joey Ryan.

PW Insider reports that “Joey Ryan is at the taping and will be appearing this week for Impact.  He was filming pre-tapes earlier today.”

We’ll have to see how much involvement Joey Ryan has with Impact Wrestling’s storylines, but he’s no stranger to the company. He is remaining true indie wrestler and turning down contracts all over the place, so it would be incredibly interesting if he signs anything with Impact Wrestling.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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