WWE Raw included a very interesting angle where Roman Reigns was nearly killed by a speeding car. Then Samoa Joe jumped in to help The Big Dog. Joe’s babyface turn was explained in that he’s still heel, but this is all pointing toward Summerslam.

Roman Reigns is expected to battle Daniel Bryan at Summerslam this Sunday, and as Brad Shepard reports all of this will come to a head tonight on SmackDown Live.

The Samoa Joe’s (including a random face turn) will finalize their SummerSlam match with Bryan and Rowan tonight on #SDLive.

We will have to wait and see when this big reveal will take place and how WWE will go about it. It is very interesting that the company is saving this big reveal for the go-home episodes before Summerslam, but they already sold out the Scotiabank Arena. So, now they’re just trying to generate fan interest for the WWE Network.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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