Drake Maverick won the WWE 24/7 Title and took off after saying that they’re going to “celebrate their honeymoon 24/7.” Maverick seemed very happy about this, but all signs point to R-Truth showing up in a cabana boy disguise and stealing the WWE 24/7 poolside at some resort. The good news is that Truth and a referee might get a little vacation out of his angle.

The important part to note is that Drake Maverick’s wife is now becoming an even larger part of this storyline. She made headlines after saying that she wanted divorce and Renee Michelle was given an opportunity to show a lot of character on Raw this week.

“So she’s now a television performer,” Dave Meltzer noted on Wrestling Observer Radio referring to Drake Maverick’s wife.

Renee Michelle is also a pro wrestler who has competed in the Mae Young Classic. Therefore, you never know if this storyline could find its way to the ring. An intergender husband vs wife match between Drake and Michelle might be outstanding to see eventually.


This is a very interesting situation and just shows how brilliantly things turned out for Drake Maverick after he took the 24/7 Title ball and just ran with it.

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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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