Seth Rollins is very happy to be a WWE Superstar. He recently said that WWE has the best pro wrestling around which caused Chris Jericho to respond. Now Seth is “doubling down.”

After the WWE Cruiserweight Title changed hands during the WWE Stomping Grounds kickoff show, The Architect sent out another tweet. He “doubled down” on his previous statement. It is very interesting how he decided to use that particular term too.

He also said nobody can do what he does as many times as he does it. This could also be taking a shot at the more limited schedules that other companies give their stars to give them more of a break between matches.

Doubling down. Best pro wrestling on the planet. See that Cruiserweight Triple Threat? And that’s just one night, one match amongst the many. Find anyone else alive who does what I do as well as I do it as often as I do it. Ya can’t.


Seth Rollins is sticking by WWE and he isn’t budging on his stance that they have the best wrestling on the planet.

We would love to hear your comments below on what you think about what Rollins had to say.

Tags: Seth Rollins
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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