WWE has five separate brands and Superstars are apparently moving back and forth on a much more fluid basis now. Because after one Superstar returned to NXT and took out Matt Riddle, another showed up to face Kushida.

If you want our full spoilers from last night you can click here. If you would like to know what’s going on tonight you can get that info here.

Apollo Crews arrived at the NXT television tapings on Thursday night to face Kushida. This dream match happened in front of some very fortunate fans, but you also have to wonder if this is permanent.

Crews received a huge ovation from the Full Sail Arena crowd and what followed was a great match against Kushida. In the end, Apollo Crews lost to Kushida by submission, but everyone was super thrilled to have seen this match take place.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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