Lars Sullivan was about to make his WWE main roster debut before WrestleMania which would see him in program toward the show of shows against John Cena. However, that didn’t happen for The Freak after suffering from an anxiety attack.

After finally making his WWE debut after WrestleMania, his past transgressions on bodybuilding message boards came back once again and caused public outcry. WWE fined Sullivan $100,000 for what he said years ago, but now it seems like they are pulling back his push as evidence from his performance at the WWE Super ShowDown event.

Dave Meltzer expanded on this idea during Wrestling Observer Radio where he explained WWE’s mindset toward Sullivan and how them cooling him off already is a bad move when you have an athlete with such a unique look and demeanor.

“You got embarrassed for him and you didn’t want to fire him and you really saw money in him and you fined him so much money that now it’s like it’s gonna take him a lot longer to pay this money back considering where he’s gonna be on these cards and how over he is, you know?”


“Because [Lars Sullivan] is just a guy now and it’s like a guy that looks like that either needs to be a star — he should never be just a guy. Let alone, maybe in two years he’s gonna end up being just a guy because maybe he doesn’t make it, maybe, but you’re pretty much assuring yourself of it now.”

“This was the worst booking, I mean I guess the Roman Reigns [losing to Shane McMahon] booking is close, but this is even worse than the Roman Reigns booking. This is just mind-boggling.”

It seems like all of the heat from the IWC on Lars Sullivan might have caused WWE to tone down their future huge monster character. Because he sold to the Lucha House Party a lot and although he ended up being dominate in the end, an effective heel monster character should have never let it go that far in his first official match.

Of course, judging by WWE’s booking Vince McMahon can heat things back up for Lars Sullivan out of nowhere any time he wants to use him. The book isn’t closed on Sullivan yet, but it didn’t get off to the best start so far.

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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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