Vince McMahon runs WWE as he sees fit and everything must go through him before it sees television. He is the creative gatekeeper who is also known to fire any writer or producer who doesn’t do things to his liking. However, it is getting increasingly harder to gain access to him.

Fightful Select reports that Jon Moxley’s shoot interviews are a current talking point backstage in WWE. They have only confirmed the statements that Moxley made about Vince McMahon.

Along with being said that Mox’s interview held more water than CM Punk’s it is said that others feel the same as Jon Moxley before he left. The former Dean Ambrose would get nauseous and feel depressed about WWE creative. This is not an isolated case.

Who is becoming even harder to track down is Vince McMahon. It is reported that “McMahon has built an infrastructure that makes him tough to gain access to with writers and producers that fear for their jobs.” They must walk on eggshells because as Jon Moxley stated in his interview McMahon isn’t shy about firing them.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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