Vince McMahon is famous for firing people. He has done it on screen many times and instituted a “kiss my ass club” so people can keep their jobs. It turns out that this is pretty much how it is backstage in WWE as well only there is no chance to save their job once McMahon fires them.

Jon Moxley revealed to the Wade Keller Pro Wrestling Podcast that he has gone off-script before. All Vince McMahon does is make him do another take. He has also been known to run a Superstar down the hall and scream at them.

However, McMahon isn’t so kind to other backstage employees as heads are likely to roll and terminations are frequently given out whenever McMahon is in a bad mood.

“I’ve never been scared to get fired and a whole lot of the boys feel the same way. We’re always pitching our ideas nobody’s… we’re are not scared of our jobs. That does not go for the writers and the producers. Writers and producers can get fired at any second. Cause somebody’s ass is always on the line for something.”


“I’ve gone off-script before and you know what happens? Vince chased me down the hallway… really chased me down the hallway to yell at me. So then the next week if you go off-script the next week they’re like more up your ass. They’re making sure you don’t go off-script again. They’re watching you. So it almost makes your job harder.”

“For instance that last few months I could have gone off-script any time I wanted. What are they gonna do? Fire me? I could have. A big part of the reason I wouldn’t have is because somebody’s ass would have been on the line. A producer or because I go off-script and think I’m trying to be cool doing my thing then the producer of the match gets fired or a writer gets fired and he might have kids or a mortgage and I’m not gonna… I can’t live with myself if I do that, you know what I mean? Somebody’s ass is always on the line for something.”

“Writers and producers are scared of Vince. You know? The boys are usually the ones yelling at the writers and producers like ‘Oh please do it this way’ — ‘I don’t know’… you know?”

Vince McMahon has a pretty strict set of rules backstage in WWE that generally follows his ever-changing mind. Therefore, people are fired on a frequent basis.

At the same time he knows that he can’t fire Superstars whenever he wants to anymore because they could wind up on a competitor’s show after their 90 day no-complete clause is up. The same isn’t the case for writers and producers who are still afraid of ever upsetting The Chairman.

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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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