Jon Moxley will be taking on Juice Robinson on June 5th in his first match outside of WWE. This will also be a title match for Juice’s IWGP United States Championship. While Mox is breaking back into the world’s stage outside of WWE, Juice Robinson is already quite comfortable. So he had a lot to say.

Robinson was asked about Moxley challenging for his title and he wanted to make sure that Jon wasn’t confused. Because although Robinson is theatrical and his look might not show it, he can be as fierce of a competitor as Moxley has ever seen.

“Just because I’m out there dancing with a smile on my face, playing around with the kids and the babes, doesn’t mean that I’m not focused. Doesn’t mean that I don’t know that you’re going to whoop my a– on June 5. Well, guess what, Juice Robinson will be doing a fair amount of a– kicking too on June 5.”

“Jon don’t let the costume fool you, don’t let the cute face fool you, I’m going to be throwing these suckers [fists] all over the place and I know you are too. It’s going to be a fight for this [lifts up title]. Here’s the cool thing about it all, win, lose or draw, and trust me I plan on winning. Win, lose or draw this puppy right here [lifts title] gets elevated. Just like I wanted it to be.”


“Jon Moxley is going to be my biggest challenger yet and he is the reason the world is watching this title. I’m going to do my best to keep it.”

This is a very poetic first match for Jon Moxley after leaving WWE. Both he and Robinson left WWE after they were frustrated with the company’s creative direction. Juice got a head start after departing, but now Moxley is around and he might take Robinson’s title in his first match out.

Needless to say, Juice is going to do everything he can to make sure that doesn’t happen.

Thanks to Wrestling inc for the quote

Tags: Jon Moxley
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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