CM Punk has yet to make a return to pro wrestling unless you count delivering GTS while wearing a mask. With AEW now in operation it looks like Punk could have another viable option to make a pro wrestling return.

Punk is now a retired pro wrestler. He is focusing his efforts in the cage and on the commentary booth. However, you can never rule out an in-ring return for the Second City Savior.

While speaking to ESPN, Chris Jericho discussed how both AEW or WWE could really benefit from having Punk around. However, it is all up to CM Punk at this point about what he wants to do.

“If he wants to come back to wrestling, it would have to be for the right reasons — both on his end and on AEW’s end. CM Punk is a unique individual. Could we use him? Of course we can. Could WWE use him? Of course they could. It all depends on what Punk wants to do and what his attitude is when and if he comes back. Because it’s a new world now. It’s not a negative world, it’s a positive world. Especially in AEW.


“Like I said, if he wants to come in, he’d probably be welcomed with open arms. But I think he would have to kind of prove himself, as he would want to. Because I know him. He’s a competitor. He’s not gonna come back just for a paycheck or just to be famous. If he comes back, it’s because he wants to be here, he wants to wrestle and he wants to prove something. And if he doesn’t feel that way, he won’t come back. The only person that can answer that question, I believe, is CM Punk himself.”

There are some very good reasons why CM Punk is no longer wrestling. At 40-years-old, Punk could probably still perform in the ring, even at an Elite level.

AEW could have dropped tease that CM Punk could join the company at All Out, but until that event happens we will just have to remain hopeful. At least CM Punk seems happy in his career after pro wrestling even if a return is possible.

Tags: CM Punk
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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