R-Truth kicked off SmackDown Live with the first match of the night. This match was granted to him because The McMahons believed in him. He got a chance to take on Shinsuke Nakamura for his newly won US Title.

The match was pretty much all Shinsuke from the bell. He delivered one knee after another. Then when it looked like Nakamura was going to have an easy win, R-Truth rolled up Shinsuke for the win.

The crowd couldn’t believe it, and it looked like Nakamura kicked out, but the referee counted to three anyway.

Either way, the referee handed R-Truth his title and he was declared the new United States Champion. Suddenly, R-Truth was celebrating with Carmella as the new United States Champion.


Rusev broke up the celebration and acted like a real heel in the process. Lana got in Carmella’s face and Rusev said that R-Truth doesn’t deserve to be US Champion. Then the former US Champion demanded a title shot so the match happened right away.

Then R-Turth defeated Rusev shortly after we got back from commercial break. The celebration didn’t last long once again after Nakamura kicked Truth in the back of the head from behind and then tossed him in the ring.

Rusev and Nakamura beat R-Truth down, but it didn’t change the fact that he is still WWE United States Champion.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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