Daniel Bryan turned heel on AJ Styles as he captured the WWE Championship from him and even though he worked very much like a babyface at Survivor Series against Brock Lesnar, he was back to being a heel on SmackDown Live two days later. He cut promo to properly introduce us to his new heel persona as The New Daniel Bryan.
But Bryan Alvarez had something rather funny happen to him on Twitter during this segment as he wondered where Bryan got the sweater he was wearing. He said on Wrestling Observer Live that a crack on Twitter about the origin of that sweater in Daniel Bryan’s life was actually answered to let him know that sweater and Daniel Bryan actually go way back.

“They should absolutely change his music. I mean for crying out loud he came out there and said he was the New Daniel Bryan and he’s wearing this sweater and I joked that it was a sweater that he bought in a second-hand store in Aberdeen and then Michelle Starr who booked him in ECCW back in the day tweeted me that he’s had that sweater for 18 years!”

Actually, Starr tweeted back at Alvarez that Bryan has owned that sweater for 15 years but that’s still a long time to hold onto a piece of clothing. But obviously, that sweater and Bryan could tell some stories and after last night’s SmackDown Live they have one more to tell, at least Bryan will be able to tell it because sweaters can’t talk.
Only time will tell where the New Daniel Bryan is headed and how long he will hold the WWE Championship although Mike Johnson speculated that he has a hunch Bryan will hold onto it for a while. So we might get to know The New Daniel Bryan in a very detailed way by the time it’s all said and done, but he was first introduced to us wearing a very old sweater.

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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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