WWE’s annual Survivor Series event will see Ronda Rousey vs Becky Lynch as they’re advertising the Woman’s Champions of Raw and SmackDown Live facing off to determine who will reign supreme. If they gave Becky the win over Rousey meaning Ronda’s first WWE loss — it could be epic. But then again, there is still plenty of time before this match goes down so we might want to take it week by week judging by the way WWE books things.
But with this kind of epic contest being promoted, another high-profile women’s match seems to be getting pushed back. Mike Johnson spoke on PW Insider Elite audio about how Lynch vs Rousey could be only pushing back an eventual contest between Ronda and Charlotte Flair which could be the money match on the WrestleMania marquee.

“Wrestling Ronda Rousey for the first time, that’s something special, that’s something cool and if they’re going forward with that then chances are they’re going to save Ronda and Charlotte for WrestleMania, I guess.”

Since Flair vs Rousey only seems logical and it needs to take place on a big stage, only time will tell if WWE can hold off until WrestleMania next year — but for now, it seems like they’re keeping Rousey plenty busy in the meantime.
It’s also important to note that Flair doesn’t have to be the champion in order to face Rousey at Mania, because if she wins the Royal Rumble and simply decides to face Rousey, that could make the match come into reality as well.
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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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