WWE Evolution is this Sunday so they really don’t have a lot of time to mess around with travel arrangements not being squared away. Thankfully, WWE was able to get everyone in town for the first-ever pay-per-view of its kind before disaster struck.
When you’re flying a bunch of people into a location, the weather can really throw a monkey wrench into your plans, but according to PW Insider WWE “lucked out” because they were able to get all of the talent to the show yesterday — because they were in the middle of a terrible rain storm.
It’s never a good idea to fly a plane in too bad of a rainstorm, but thankfully, the pilots were able to brave the winds and wetness to get everyone to Evolution on time and safely in spite of a terrible rainstorm brought in by a Noreaster.
WWE Evolution will air live on the WWE Network this Sunday, but don’t forget to check in to Ringside News throughout the night as we bring you constant updates.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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