The WWE Hall Of Fame is usually picked by Vince McMahon with his own reasons and nobody can tell him what to do because he’s the boss and that’s the way it is — but that might be changing soon enough. After all, WWE seems to be changing more every week.
WWE sent out a survey to some subscribers to the WWE Network with a very interesting survey. The idea of this questionnaire was to gauge the interest of what might entice fans to pay around $15 a month for the WWE Network instead.
One option given to fans was the choice to have actual fan voting for the WWE Hall Of Fame. Therefore, guys like The British Bulldog, Chyna, Brian Pillman, and more might get into the HOF with the help of the fans.
Of course, we’re sure Vince McMahon will have the ultimate sayso, therefore, don’t expect some fan movement to induct Chris Benoit into the WWE Hall Of Fame to work — after all, we previously reported on his chances of entering the WWE Hall Of Fame.
But in the future, you never know what kind of options WWE might give the fans in order to get them to subscribe to a more expensive tier on the WWE Network. Does an option like this sound good enough to you? Let us know on any of our various social media platforms or sound off in the comments below.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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