If you’re a social media bug and have landed on Lana’s Instagram recently then you’re probably aware that she seems to have developed a fondness for free iPhones and gift cards — but who doesn’t love those things.
At this time, while we don’t know who did it — Lana has been hacked! Hopefully, they’re not able to do too much damage, but this kind of thing usually happens to Lana because Rusev jacked her phone. Now it looks very real.
There haven’t been any other personal pieces of information released at this time like her phone number or any NSFW photos — but any time you get your account hacked it’s still not a good thing.
So for now, the hackers will be running people through to their little website that probably has pretty scummy purposes anyway under the guise of giving out free gift cards. Needless to say, Lana needs to change up her passwords more often or at least make it one that’s not so obvious… might we suggest she doesn’t go with “RusevCrush1” because that would be our first guess.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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