Alexa Bliss is reportedly out with a concussion and while she chills at home with her pig Larry Steve, the clock is still ticking down to WWE Evolution. Now it looks like we don’t know if Bliss will work the big show.
Alicia Fox has been positioned to replace her, but it’s not the match that’s been promoted — in fact this isn’t even the match they promoted because initially it was supposed to be 2 singles matches and they merged the two ideas together.
Mike Johnson speculated on PW Insider Elite audio how WWE might handle Alexa Bliss’ concussion if she can’t work Evolution and still include her in some way as she rightfully deserves.

“It could very well be — and nobody’s told me this. But it seems like the logical move if she’s not cleared is she’s at ringside and she does mic-work and it turns out she’s not even going to wrestle and Alicia Fox takes her place.”

That is a likely scenario that our friend Mikey painted for Evolution. If Bliss can’t wrestle — of course she still needs to be on the show. So the best way might be to let her display her talents on the microphone and then swerve the fans who weren’t smartened up about her concussion by putting Alica Fox in her place.
Only time will tell what happens in this situation, but our fingers are crossed along with Bliss that she will be able to actually wrestle in her scheduled tag team match at WWE Evolution.
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Tags: Alexa Bliss
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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