There is no offseason in WWE, and that was so painfully obvious when they booked Dean Ambrose to turn on Seth Rollins on the same episode that opened with Roman Reigns taking an indefinite hiatus because he has to go home and fight for his life because his leukemia is no longer in remission.
Out very good friend Mike Johnson discussed WWE’s currently booking dilemmas on PW Insider Audio update. He proposed a couple interesting situations but was also very certain about a couple programs that seem to be only building up steam from here.

“So obviously going forward as WWE kind of reconfigures the Raw brand we are looking at Drew McIntyre against Braun Strowman and potentially Drew McIntyre becoming a challenger for the Universal Championship which if that is the case he certainly deserves the positioning due to all of his hard work since coming back to WWE and really all of his hard work since WWE released him several years ago.”
“Also Dean Ambrose vs Seth Rollins in what can only be looked at as a huge grudge match, a bloody huge physical feud — a blood feud for the Intercontinental Championship. And you know those guys are great at what they do and they’re going to have great matches.”
“Where does this leave Dolph Ziggler, I don’t know maybe he’s the second to Drew and taking a bunch of bumps against Braun Strowman.”

Only time will tell how WWE will book themselves in this situation. After all, this is a very awful situation to be in. Hopefully, fans will stick with the product or even come back in droves to support the company as they deal with quite an interesting situation on and off screen.
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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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