James Ellsworth is convinced now, more than ever that the ladies love him. Sure, he is the Intergender Champion of the World, but it appears to go beyond that as well because an 84-year-old woman who happened to be a complete stranger just decided to show Ellsworth some unexpected love.
Ellsworth recently updated his Twitter to say: “An 84-year-old woman who I don’t know just came up to me at the airport and kissed me on the cheek. What can I say chicks dig me #Duh.” If only we had photographic evidence of the encounter.
But it seems as Ellsworth travels around making indie wrestling events, he’s bound to have some sort of interactions in public. Let’s just hope for his sake that they’re all as pleasant as this recent encounter with a senior citizen who he also had no idea who she was.
If anything, it’s a much better reaction from random females than he’s used to getting as he shows up to indie wrestling events and draws heat with his Intergender Championship in line with Andy Kaufman’s classic routine. This is also pretty good proof that as Ellsworth so confidently put it: “chicks dig me.”

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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