Shawn Michaels is set to return to action at WWE’s Crown Jewel event in Saudi Arabia. But the more important question other than if there are more matches down the line for HBK might be exactly which Michaels will we be getting at Crown Jewel. After all, HBK hasn’t wrestled a match in over 8 years.
Aron Stevens, formerly known as WWE Superstar Damien Sandow recently appeared on Barnburner’s On The Mat podcast where he weighed in on how prepared he thinks Shawn Michaels will be once the big show in Saudi Arabia rolls around.

“You know what? My guess is that you’ll probably see the same Shawn you’ve always seen. You know, he’s one of those guys that when he goes out there that’s what goes on and he’s HBK. So that’s my prediction.”
“I mean there’s not a lot of guys I could be that confident with I think. You know what I mean? If that makes any sense how, ‘Oh he hasn’t wrestled in 10 years’ — God, I haven’t wrestled in 2 years and who knows if my boots will even fit. But, Shawn look, bottom line, have you ever seen a bad Shawn Michaels match? Yep, there you go — bam. So that’s what I predict is going to continue.”

There has to be a lot of pressure on Shawn Michaels to perform at a level that is fitting to his legendary status. But, with the kind of money being thrown at him that was certainly enough for him to dust off his wrestling boots once more. Hopefully, it will be a match we’re all talking about for the right reasons after Crown Jewel is said and done.
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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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