Sasha Banks disappeared off of television for a few weeks and just recently returned to align herself back with Bayley and now with Natalya as they faced off against The Riott Squad. It looks like The Boss hasn’t missed a step, even though she hasn’t technically wrestled on television since her return.
But it’s okay with Banks that she has haters. In fact, some might see them as a driving force to her success that keeps her going.
The former Women’s Champion commented on social media today saying: “Y’all keep talking [poo emoji] I’ll be over here putting in work.” She posted this comment along with a picture of her view from inside a wrestling ring.
Of course, only time will tell what WWE has in store for Sasha Banks at this point. But, it’s pretty clear that she doesn’t care what her doubters have to say because she’s going to stay on the path she’s been walking down for a while to maintain her position in WWE as best she can.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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