The WWE Supers Show-Down was a 4-hour event with a main event that seemed like it lasted forever, but the event was still an exciting night for Australian fans who seldom have a chance to see Superstars in that kind of environment live.
It was noted on Wrestling Observer Radio that the actual attendance for the show was around 62,000 fans instead of WWE’s promoted number of just over 70,000.
While 62,000 fans are nothing to look down on, that extra 8,000 fans is generally expected when WWE is throwing those big events.
But this isn’t the first time WWE has inflated numbers. After all, sometimes they boost WrestleMania’s actual audience by 10,000 or more. But regardless of how many people were actually in attendance at the Melbourne Cricket Field, it was still considered a successful event.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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