WWE’s Super Show-Down was a packed pay-per-view with a few bouts with a big match feel to it. But it looks like WWE is already possibly planning on making this an annual event.
If you go to WWE’s official website and start to search WWE Super Show-Down, you’ll be quick to notice that there are 2 entries that pop up. One is a generic entry for the Super Show-Down event, and the other one says, “Super Show-Down 2018.”
This addition of a year to the Super Show-Down entry would lead us to believe that WWE is preparing themselves for even more huge events in Australia. Although there could be many reasons for this kind of addition to the WWE website, it certainly appears this is a plausible reality.
Therefore, don’t be too surprised if fans in America will have another chance to catch a pay-per-view event at 5:00 AM for years to come if this hint is any indication of things.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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