WWE has a lot of plans for Superstars when they come in and sometimes they even have a new name in store for them too.
Swann recently spoke to Chris Van Vliet where he said that when he first came into WWE, there were a few options WWE tossed at him about what they could change his name to. Fortunately, they were able to let him keep his previous name which has really proved well for him at this point. But there was a time when WWE dug into their box of names and pulled out some possible treasures only to have them thankfully rejected.

“There was a little bit of a talk of my name, and I was going to have a little bit of freedom. Couple of names were thrown out to me, one (of them) was Silk Morris. I could’ve made it work, baby! Nobody is as smooth as Silk! But people know me, and I think it was their decision. I already had a little bit of a following from the independent scene, and I had two matches on NXT, one against Baron Corbin and one against the champion at the time, Finn Balor.”
“And they (fans) knew who Rich Swann was. And I don’t think they wanted to change that.”

Swann said he’s not in touch with anyone in WWE at this point, but he sees himself as being on good terms with them. He was released after being suspended for some time following a domestic abuse situation which was ultimately dropped and he was not charged for the offense.
You can check out the entire interview below to catch up on how Rich Swann has been doing since his time away from WWE.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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