Samoa Joe is a vicious heel and current stalker of AJ Styles. He gets a ton of heat on him, but he understands that it comes with the territory of operating the way he does business.
Joe recently spoke to Not Sam Podcast about the heat he gets because of the way he approaches things.

“I’m reasonably intelligent and I understand my actions and why there’s heat. You know I don’t look into a fire hose and expect not to get wet. I don’t act like an A-hole on TV and expect people not to hate me.”
“If you’re worried about heat and pissing people off, maybe you should go back to dentist school. It’s better for ya.”

Of course, he wasn’t talking about dentist school primarily, but using it as an example of someone choosing another way to go if they can’t take the pro wrestling world. Samoa Joe certainly seems to enjoy getting heat from the crowds, but his zero cares given approach really seems to be the cherry on top of Joe’s personality.
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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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