You might have loved Raw this week or you could have shared an opinion like so many others that they could have done things much differently. But it turns out at least one segment really met Vince McMahon’s liking.
The Raw Tag Team Title scene hasn’t been the same since Drew McIntyre and Dolph Ziggler picked up the titles. After all, they are a huge distance from the B-Team and their comedy wrestling style.
Since the B-Team has been apparently kicked to the back of the line, The Revival stepped up and gave it all they had. In reality, it was a great match with little room to complain. In fact, Dave Meltzer commented during Wrestling Observer Radio saying that Vince McMahon was very high on the match.
Only time will tell what happens next or if The Revival might get a renewed push due to their efforts, but at least Mr. McMahon seemed to be pleased and that’s always a good thing.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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