Kalisto’s WWE main roster debut as one of the Lucha Dragons alongside Sin Cara was an exciting addition to the roster. Regardless of how it panned out, the team still had great potential and Kalisto remains a fan-favorite for children all over the place who love his mask.
But as Kalisto revealed to Sheamus while they were working out during episode 24 of Celtic Warrior Workouts, Kalisto almost lost it all in 2011 and it almost cost him his life in the process.

“Yeah, this changed my life actually. That almost made me quit [wrestling].”
“It was in the middle of 2011, I was on tour in Mexico and I had so many dates up ahead but everything just came to a stop because I did this crazy backflip double rotation and I guess I over-rotated and I landed on the barricade. Thank god that stopped my fall. I mean, if I hit the ground, I would have been dead because nobody caught me.”
“I ended up staying in Mexico for about two and a half months. I was diagnosed with post-concussion syndrome. I always tell everybody this… it’s like being drunk day and night non-stop — it was so annoying. Even sleeping, it just felt like the whole room was spinning around.”

It’s a good thing that Kalisto didn’t retire at that point because his hard work got him a tryout with the WWE Performance Center and he was soon offered a contract. The rest, as they say, is history. But there was a very scary moment in 2011 when Kalist literally almost lost it all.

Thanks to Pro Wrestling Stories for the quotes

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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