Evolution will be a big event focused on the women of WWE and it is a long time coming for a lot of reasons. With this next step in the WWE Women’s Revolution, Evolution will be a nice cherry on top, but it shouldn’t be the most they do.
The question is still lingering of who WWE will decide to place in the commentary position for the big event. Now it looks like they have an idea and it could be a pretty fun announce team to say the least.
Mike Johnson said on PW Insider Elite audio that he has heard that Beth Pheonix, Paige, and Renee Young will be the three voices commentating for the Evolution pay-per-view.
Pheonix has commentated a few times and Renee is obviously ready seeing how she’s the newest addition to the Raw announce team. But Paige’s inclusion could be very interesting but it’s still a great way to include her since she can’t wrestle anymore.
Only time will tell how the 3 women will work with each other, after all they might not get much of a chance to rehearse before the big show. But they will probably have other chances to try and nail down a chemistry before the Evolution event comes in October.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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