Take this for what you will because anything can be a work, especially when you’re talking about WWE. But ever since Kurt Angle was relieved of his duties on Raw and Baron Corbin has taken over as acting General Manager, things have certainly been different.
Now it seems that Kurt Angle might not know if he even has a return in sight, it’s true. The Olympic Hero recently posted to Instagram with a throw-back photo complete with a message about how the people he started with (being Stephanie McMahon and Triple H) were the same two people who drove him out of the company.
Angle wrote: “The same people that I started my career with in WWE, are the same people that have driven me away from WWE.” He then said that he hasn’t heard anything about when his “vacation” from Raw will end, but he’s beginning to think that he’s not coming back at all.
Only time will tell what the end result of all of this is. After all, if Angle returns you’d think he’d have to wrestle somebody and if Baron Corbin isn’t his target, then maybe he’ll look to get ahold of Triple H. Whatever goes down though, it’s important to remember that Angle, Stephanie, and Hunter used to have much happier memories between them.


H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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