Chris Jericho surprised a lot of people by appearing at All In. He attacked Kenny Omega while wearing a Pentagon Jr disguise and everyone popped when they figured out it was him. After all, this means Jericho officially appeared at an event in the USA that WWE wouldn’t have wanted him to do.
Mike Johnson explained during PW Insider Elite audio why Chris made the decision to show up at All In. It had nothing to do with going anywhere else if anything it was proof that he can continue showing up anywhere he wants including his own cruise.

“Chris Jericho has not signed a contract to go to Impact Wrestling. Him appearing on the show had zero, zilch to do with Impact Wrestling.”
“What it had to do with was he has a relationship with Kenny Omega, a relationship with The Bucks. He has the Jericho Cruise coming up next month. It was a smart way to promote the cruise. It was a smart way to get people buzzing about future issues with Kenny and The Bucks and to get people talking about what’s next for Chris Jericho.”

Let’s not forget that Y2J is also the IWGP Intercontinental Champion as well and he’s not about to leave New Japan hanging. At this point, he isn’t under contract and having the time of his life reaping the benefits of his career as he plans the next stages.
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H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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