Kurt Angle has been through a lot in his life. Not only has he reached the top of the pro wrestling business in 2 different companies, but he also overcame a pretty bad case of addiction in the process.
Angle is proud to be in recovery at this point and he recently opened up in a Facebook Q&A about his current status in a small percentage of people dealing with the disease of addiction. He also gave some advice to someone currently dealing with the issue.

“Grow up. Abusing drugs is childish. Take responsibility and realize that you can’t live his way or you won’t live much longer. There is more to life than being high all of the time. It’s not easy staying clean but if you do it, others will take notice.”
“When you’re clean, you’re never alone. People want to be around you. When you’re high, people don’t want to affiliate with a drug addict, unless they are an addict.”
“Take it one day at a time and remember that being clean and fighting your addiction puts you in an unprecedented class with millions of addicts. 10% are in rehab. Of those 10%, only 5% are in recovery. If you’re staying clean, you’re in less than 1% in recovery. I find it very rewarding I am in that class.”

Good for Angle that he’s able to keep living a happy life and staying clean. He’s not only in an elite class of people in recovery, but he’s also in an elite class of pro wrestlers too. So hopefully we’ll see him return to the ring eventually after his little vacation from Raw is over.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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