In these days of social media, you have people that are easily offended therefore people can’t say things that would have been acceptable just a couple short years ago. It seems people have either lost their humor, or something else happened in culture, but it’s hard to get people to do anything but take things seriously if there’s a remote chance someone could get offended by what is said.

Samoa Joe certainly noticed this trend and he tweeted out these feels as he said, “currently watching everyone in a competition at being the best at trying not to offend everyone else. Also this post is guaranteed to offend someone.. ya know because of ‘assumptions.'”

Recently, Dave Meltzer said some things on Wrestling Observer Radio about Peyton Royce that he regrets and he actually dedicated a ton of time on WOR today to this apology and situation. Joe might have been talking about that or society in general, but his point was certainly made.

It’s hard to argue with Joe because why would you? He’s a very scary dude and could walk out of SummerSlam as WWE Champion if he can defeat AJ Styles.


H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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