Taelor Hendrix claimed she was buried and soon written off of ROH television because she refused to have a sexual relationship with Jay Lethal. ROH released a statement saying they were looking into the situation, and that was the last we’ve really heard about this on an official level.

It was noted in the Wrestling Observer Newsletter that the fact ROH is still booking Lethal and he’s still their ROH World Champion likely means they aren’t worried about the allegations.

“For what it’s worth, the fact that not only is Jay Lethal still wrestling, but there was no move to even take the title off him, tells you pretty clearly in this day and age that ROH management doesn’t believe the Taelor Hendrix claim that she was taken off television for not sleeping with him.”

It was noted that in this day and age any slight truth in a sexual abuse allegation can result in termination. The fact that Lethal and ROH seem to be carrying on with business as usual is a very good sign they have found no truth in what Hendrix said. Because the least they would have done at this point is pull Lethal from their shows, but they haven’t even done that yet.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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