There are certain names you can call someone in certain circumstances and they’re okay and don’t mean that much difference. But Mike Kanellis found himself being really creeped out when Maria called him “daddy” and their daughter Freddie Moon was nowhere to be seen.

Mike took Maria shoe shopping today and Maria called Mike “daddy” in public. The only problem was that Freddie Moon didn’t take this trip with them and it sent chills up Mike’s spine.

Maria joked in a rather perverted fashion on her Instagram as she told the story. Mike had to interject his opinion as well. He just doesn’t like being called “daddy” unless he’s doing something father related.

Mike said it was sickening and made his skin crawl to be called “daddy” out of context. Let’s hope WWE is able to repackage this duo when Maria is ready to come back because this video proves they can be entertaining.


H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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