Taeler Hendrix recently commented about her time in ROH saying, “it should have been the house of Hendrix. what has truth or jay done ? what do they draw ? being a funny guy with a book…. the other one only talks about his time in Impact copying legends… faaaaarealll bruhhh the legacy is copying legends….”

That “copying legends” line was an obvious mention to Letha’s former Black Machismo gimmick where he pulled off a Macho Man Randy Savage Impression.

One fan commented back defending Lethal saying he is a two-time ROH World Champion and longest-reigning ROH TV Champion as well. He listed off a couple other impressive accomplishments as well, but Hendrix didn’t seem to be phased.

She replied by saying: “also the dude you’re standing up for is the same dude that told me because I didn’t sleep with him they sabotaged me and took me off TV. that being the all mighty Jay.”


This is kind of a concerning accusation if it is true. At this point, Lethal hasn’t commented on this comment but we will keep you updated.

H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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