Kenny Omega is not only a great pro wrestler but he’s also starting to book his own shows too. This comes with a lot of headaches as well, especially when someone you book causes a public backlash.

Omega booked Chasyn Rance at the CEO x NJPW show in a dark match before the show and some people had a problem with this.

Rance is on the sex offender list for lewd lascivious battery sex with a minor 12-15 years old. When he was 25 he had two encounters with a 15-year-old and it was a mistake he’ll always have to live with.

It’s cost Chasyn Rance bookings before and Kenny Omega stuck up for his decision to book Rance on the show by showing disappointment toward a fan who was coming down on him for making this booking move.


Tags: Kenny Omega
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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