If you weren’t able to get a ticket for All In on September 1st in Chicago then you’re not alone. Tons of people wanted a ticket who couldn’t get ahold of one.

A lot of fans also commented how they didn’t care much about the show seeing how it wouldn’t be on pay-per-view. Some even said they didn’t care about the show since they couldn’t get a ticket for All In.

But there has been a little hope this would change after Don Callis was chosen to be on the announce team for the show. After all, Callis has called plenty of matches for the people booked for All In.

Now they’ve made it official and All In will be broadcasted in 100% in one form or another. We should probably expect more specifics later on but it looks like even more fans will be able to catch this giant indie wrestling event.


Tags: AEW All In
H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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