Jazzy Gabert was an extremely popular participant in last year’s Mae Young Classic but she couldn’t be signed to a deal with WWE thanks to a nagging injury. But the Alpha Female got three herniated discs in her neck repaired and now she has very good news to report.

Upon leaving her doctor’s office on Friday, she was told that she’s been fully cleared for an in-ring return. This is perfect timing for her because this year’s Mae Young Classic is most likely taking shape behind the scenes.

Gabert eventually lost to Abbey Laith in the MYC last year but she was one of the most popular women in the tournament.

Only time will tell if WWE fans will see Jazzy Gabert again, but she is certainly happy to be able to get back in the ring and show people why they call her the Alpha Female.


H Jenkins

H Jeknins is a News Correspondent at Ringside News, keeping wrestling fans updated with timely and accurate reports on all things wrestling.

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